Member Benefits
The Rotary Fellowship of Wine Appreciation is one of the largest fellowships within Rotary with members in xx countries and in xx districts around the world. Besides having the coolest pin in Rotary, why would you want to join this fellowship?
Learn more about wine
Learn more about wine and gain a better appreciation of wine. We have newsletters that go out bi-monthly with interesting articles.
Convention Wine Dinners
You must be a member of the RWAF to attend one of our convention wine dinners. Lifetime members are welcome to attend any dinner and there is a special LTM only dinner each time. Otherwise, you must be an active Annual member to attend a dinner.
Convention Wine Tours
Where available, we will schedule a tour either before or after the convention to explore the wines of the area. You must be a lifetime or annual member to go on a tour.
Spouses are members too!
Your spouse or significant other are also a lifetime member when you join RWAF, and are able to attend the dinners and tours.
Find other members
One of the benefits of being a member is finding other members around the world. It's a great way to meet new people when you are travelling where you know you will already have something in common with them -- WINE!
Local Chapters
We encourage the formation of local chapters where there are 25 or more RWAF members in a District or geographical area. Find out more about local chapters here and to see if there is already one in your region.
Lifetime Members Only
Only available to our lifetime members is the coolest pin in Rotary - the famous corkscrew pin! Additional pins (magnetic or lapel) are available for $10 plus shipping.
Interested in Becoming a Member?

Join online today!
Annual and Lifetime memberships are available; there are also special memberships for non-Rotarian Alumni and Rotaractors. (See more options here).